Design And Performance Lab
KIMOSPHERES in 2016: Rehearsals for International Metabody Forum (April 4-9, 2016)
Rehearsal 1 - Rehearsal 2 - Rehearsal 3 - Metabody Forum London
kimosphere rehearsal - February 7, 2016 with Yoko Ishiguro, dancing with the 'weaverbird' nest prototype constricted by Elisabeth Sutherland. Further above Hae-in Song, dancing with weaverbird; Hongye Deng performing vocals and light; Vanessa Michielon on projected images by Chris Bishop and Seeta Indrani.
kimosphere rehearsal - February 7, 2016 with Yoko Ishiguro, Hongye Deng, Elisabeth Sutherland, Hae-in Song, Vanessa Michielon, Chris Bishop, Seeta Indrani, Martina Reynolds. Facilitated by Johannes Birringer.
(c) DAP-Lab 2016
(research development for
Metakimospheres is part of the EU-funded METABODY project)
D A P-lab directors: Johannes Birringer & Michèle Danjoux
(c) DAP-Lab 2016