Design And Performance Lab



KIMOSPHERES in 2016: Rehearsals for International Metabody Forum (April 4-9, 2016)

Rehearsal 1 - Rehearsal 2 - Rehearsal 3 - Metabody Forum London


The DAP-Lab company is seen here rehearsing towards its third installment of a "kinetic atmosphere" with new new conceptual performance-costumes interlinked to architectural kinetic states and phases. These phenomena of presencing "dance" as atmospheres in space that can be felt, heard, and experiences through all senses, visual and non-visual, are examined by the DAP-Lab artists under the name "metakimosphere".
The concept for an immersive installation was developed over the last two years, and the second installment of metakimosphere occured during the International Metabody Forum in Madrid (July 2015).
In 2016, the expanded DAP-Lab team prepares ideas for a third installment of the kimosphere, to be premiered April, 8-9, 2016 at the Artaud Performance Center during the International Metabody Forum hosted at Brunel. DAP-Lab is pleased to welcome new performance artists in their midst, as well as returning associates. The Lab also is interesed in touring the new work to the USA in 2017. A film of the second installment was shown at the Clare Valley Film Festival in Australia in Novemebr 2015, and film/presentation of metakimosphere no. 3 is currently being proposed to the Subtle Technologies Festival in Toronto, Canada (May 12-15, 2016).

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kimosphere rehearsal - February 7, 2016 with Yoko Ishiguro, dancing with the 'weaverbird' nest prototype constricted by Elisabeth Sutherland. Further above Hae-in Song, dancing with weaverbird; Hongye Deng performing vocals and light; Vanessa Michielon on projected images by Chris Bishop and Seeta Indrani.


kimosphere rehearsal - February 7, 2016 with Yoko Ishiguro, Hongye Deng, Elisabeth Sutherland, Hae-in Song, Vanessa Michielon, Chris Bishop, Seeta Indrani, Martina Reynolds. Facilitated by Johannes Birringer. (c) DAP-Lab 2016

(research development for Metakimospheres is part of the EU-funded METABODY project)

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D A P-lab directors: Johannes Birringer & Mich�le Danjoux

(c) DAP-Lab 2016