Design And Performance Lab
m a s t e r c l a s s
Bodies of Color, Goldsmiths 2007 .... EMPAC Live_Media + Performance 2010, New York ...... ChoreoLab Krems Donau Universitaet 2011 .....Metakimospheres Carl Orff Institute Salzburg 2017
Constructing Realities: Kinetic Atmospheres
Yoko Ishiguro performing inside kimosphere no. 1, Artaud Studio, (c) 2015 DAP
directed by Johannes Birringer (Brunel University)First prototype presented at CREATIVE FUTURES @ BRUNEL
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
17.00 – 21.00
Artaud Theatre, Brunel University, London
This masterclass explores performance, choreography and media generation through designing and orchestrating a kinetic atmosphere or augmented environment (with media output -video, sound, light, text). The 'kinetic atmospheres' are physically and sensorially immersive installations in which performers and audiences are protagonized to move around and interact. Immersive, sonic choreographies imply a participatory aural architecture, in the theatrical sense of a scenography that invites, and includes. If VR headsets or game-like virtual landscapes are added – in what is now referred to as “augmented virtuality” – new, challenging questions arise about the material affect of moving between real + virtual spaces. The masterclass also addresses the design of wearables that can be used in such kinetic atmospheres. Participants will be introduced to various aspects of such hybrid design, programming and building processes, and can gain initial hands-on experience in such constructions.
Workshop director Johannes Birringer will be accompanied by techno-shaman Haein Song, sonic artist Sara S. Belle, dancer/researcher (Zhi Xu), and sound technician Graeme Shaw
sculptured projectionspace for kinetic atmospheres ,created collaboratively by masterclass, projection-mapping: Haein Song, camera: Shorai Shobiva-Forchin [left]; Zhi Xu (dancing tree) toward VR VIVE with virtual tamarind forest. Camera: J.Birringer [right] (c)2018
general work plan
1. introduction to wearable space
The only thing that is different from one time to another is what is seen and what is seen depends upon how everybody is doing everything. This makes the thing we are looking at very different and this makes what those who describe it make of it, it makes a composition, it confuses, it shows, it is, it looks, it likes it as it is, and this makes what is seen as it is seen. Nothing changes from generation to generation except the thing seen and that makes a composition.
[Gertrude Stein, “Composition as Explanation”]
2. technical warm up
3. physical warm up
4a hearing – sensing (sound)
4b moving through (darkness / light)
4c wearables (on body, in space) environment
4d projection / spatializatuon (video, graphics suspension, sculptures)
4e triangulation and VIVE VR-world
5. kinetic atmosphere experiment
This master class is availabe to other arts organization and institutions and can be booked. Please contact johannes.birringer [at] The second installment of the masterclass takes place June 8-9, 2018, at the National Dance Center Bucharest in Romania. Another version of the artistic installation of "Constructing Realities" will be premiered under the title Ephemeral Edgespace at ISEA 2018 in Durban City Hall, Durban, South Africa.
Birringer teaching the master class at National Dance Center Bucharest; photo: Bogdan Dumitrescu [left]; particpant inside VR and augmented reality installation space; photo Bogdan Dumitrescu [right] (c)2018
Go here for the new DAP rehearsal series on "Whisper Rooms"
For new DAP publications on the research into kimospheres, see
Johannes Birringer (2017) "Metakimospheres," in Susan Broadhurst and Sara Price, eds., Digital Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 27-48.
see alsoJohannes Birringer (2017)“Immersive Dance and Virtual Realities,” Journal of Virtual Creativity, 7 (2), 103-19.
Project conception DAP-Lab (c) 2017-18