Design And Performance Lab
(Moveable World)
Yiorgos Bakalos as Flamingo and soldier. (c) DAP-Lab 2009
Cinematic movement character studies by Johannes Birringer
Notes on the creation of interactive audiophonic and amplificational design
by Michèle Danjoux, Johannes Birringer, Caroline Wilkins, Oded Ben-Tal and Paul Verity Smith
with commentaries and discussions from the DAP-Lab ensemble regarding compositional process and interacticve architecture.
UKIYO: Movement characters:
A = Yiorgos 1. Colonel Brazhinksky, doctor and engineer/inventor
with claves / drums and lemons, Maoist suit (Part I)
2. Flamingo with long sleeves turning into tools or weapons or surgical instruments or antennae (Part I and II)B= Katsura 1. RedBlackwoman: manga character with sonic dress red on
black (rustle-mics and Metallica, headphones and wires (Part I)
(Kinaesonic character: has amplificational dress)
2. transformable into second manga character (part II)
Japanese words - drawing language.
C = Helenna 1. Workerwoman with prosthetic arm/ hammer (Part I)
And woman with long hair and red bleeding face
2. Speakerwoman: woman with white hat and rice field stick with speakers in baskets (amplificatory) and speaker shoes (Part II)
(Kinaesonic character: has amplificational dress/accoutrements)D = Anne Laure 1. Boatwoman: (manga character) (bird with outcrops on
Back, rowing boat gestures and workbench
2. transformable into second manga character
E = Caroline (Instrumentwoman: musician with bandoneon / bulging object)
Part I: instrument extension (crown) of woman
Part II: woman extension of instrument (playing the sampled
Bandoneon sounds with her unfoldable dress
(Kinaesonic character: with amplifications dress)
[H= percussionist] musician with claves, rainforest, cymbals (A. Awraamov in factory worker outfit
F = Mamen: Madame Favre, Divisionärin/communist military officer
(elegant 40ish woman in uniform, carrying horsewhip, and
plays I-Ching)
G = Olu: Swiss African Kommissär Khlebnikov, party official of SSR
(elegant 40ish man in uniform), with fine hands, smokes,
remembers childhood language Chichewa, and ancient
drawings in Africa which now are imited by Swiss
Réduit drawings (Réduit is the mountain retreat tunnel
System in the Alps)
For the development of the choreographic installation and its interactive images, go to the February 2009 workshop images:
This research project is funded by a PM12 Connect/British Council Grant and a RDF (Brunel University) grant.
dance tech network site of Ukiyo project
All photos (c) DAP-Lab
Further notes on design and performance concepts are published on this site.
(c) dap 2007-08
Project directors: Johannes Birringer & Michèle Danjoux
Brunel University, West London