Design And Performance Lab
research labs
kedja/Coda Festival, Oslo/Norway ......FIT Theatre Festival, Belo Horizonte/Brasil ......ChoreoLab Austria, Krems/Austria
October 5 - 13, 2009..........................June 18- 22, 2008............................................September 5 - 12, 2009
performance on the edges
Digitial Media Environments
directed by Johannes Birringer (Brunel University)
Photography (c) 2009 Paul Verity Smith, with Anne Laure Misme
Framework for workshop: Monday October 5 - Friday October 9, 200914:00 to 22:00
This performance/media laboratory will be realized over the course of five days preceding kedja: dance encounters, involving a number of invited artists and art students from performing and media/design disciplines. The workshop aims at developing and experiencing contemporary methods of collaboration on composition and choreography with multi -media methods of mise-en-sc¸ne.
The workshop will demonstrate composition-processes and design/directing for digital performance combining various techniques and concepts of visual, scored or improvisational interactive performance, the use of camera and digital projections, movement, sound, and design with real-time processing synthesis. The participants explore "physical camera" techniques and the use of projection and lighting in performance using live and prerecorded manipulated images and interactive programming.
Birringer will share his experience and knowledge of working in different cultural andcollaborative professional settings as well as research contexts. The workshop includes examples and references to international stage works, choreographic systems, installations and site-specific performances.
(Participants meet 5 days for 8 hours per day)
14.oo - 15:oo Welcome/Introduction
15:30 - 17:30 Create lab environment, introduce themes/method and tools
17:30 - 18:30 Break
18:30 - 22:po Collaborative Method: writing/composition/mise-en-scene "Physical Camera" experiment with performers, designers, visual artists and musicians.
14.oo -16:oo Sources and Materials. Theatre and Engineering ('open score')
16:oo -18:3o Recording technologies and practices (indoor/outdoor)
18:30 -19:3o Break
19:30 - 22:oo Collaborative Method: Sound recording/processing audio-visual composition/story boards
14.oo-17:3o Sources and Materials (Wilson template, Cunningham & Forsythe Templates; Chunky Move and Dumb Type)
17:3o-18:3o Break
18:3o-22:oo Collaborative design methods/cross-patching: Performance-installation strategies and scenographies. Use of video projection in performance, video as light, and questions of video/cinematic space/multimedia theatre space. Narrative and non-linearity. Designing Visual Strategies and Working with computing softwares (Isadora)
14.oo-17:3o Sources and Materials. (Transmute template / telematics and networked performance)
17:3o-18:3o Break
18:30-22:oo Movement, movement images, polyphony and interactivity Collaborative Method: Composition with multi-media, sampling, loops, and interactive Installations
14.3o-15:3o Sources and Materials. (Cena 11 / kondition pluriel template)
15:oo-17:3o Editing and programming / rehearsing with interactional scene
17:3o- 18:30 Break
18:3o-22:oo Collaborative Method: Quasi-Cinemas and mied reality environments
Saturday / Sunday October 10-11
If the participant team develops concepts and materials that can be developed and rehearsed for a demonstration performance, such a final performance might be included in the weekend ke¶ja: dance encounters and would be announced at the event.
A list of analog and digital equipments will be made available.
Facilities are the studio at Atelier Nord and the production room at Scenehuset.
Participation is limited to 12 artists. It is recommended that each participant bring rehearsal clothes and their own laptop and other electronic tools (camera, recorder, music instruments, etc) if available.
Skill Requirements: Performance experience and intermediary/advanced skills in performing with audio visual technologies and/or programming. This workshop is offered specifically for those already are working with technology, but wishing to improve their skills and get new perspectives. Submit CV or portfolio.
(c) 2009 Birringer / DAP Lab