Design And Performance Lab
"for the time being (Victory over the Sun)"
Go here for November-December rehearsals for the new dance operaDAP-Lab's research & production development phase 2012-13 is directed at expanding the choreosonic / music theatre work for the time being [Victory over the Sun]
and preparing it for touring. for the time being is an homage to the 1913 opera "Victory of the Sun" (Pobeda nad Solntsem, Luna Park, St.Petersburg).*
DAP- Lab's approach is conceptual, developing material for a sonic dance production and pressing further its research into audiophonic
costumes and choreographic design.
Rehearsals in the studio in December 2012, February & April 2013, with [clockwise] Michèle Danjoux, John Richards, Olu Taiwo, Hae-in Song, Yoko Ishiguro, Yiorgos Bakalos, Emi Watanable, Hei-in Song, and Yakinthi Lagiou on vocals.
Go here for April 2013 rehearsal images of Act IIGo here for May 2013 rehearsal images of Act I and Act IIGo here for June 2013 rehearsal images of Act I and Act II Go here for June 2013 rehearsal film "Khlebnikov's Birds"Go here for October 2013 rehearsal film "Khlebnikov's Birds 2"
After DAP'-Lab's first public staging of the prototype of for the time being, the ensemble continued to meet for rehearsals in October, November and December 2012.
The December 2nd rehearsal brought together nineteen associates and core members of the LAB, and an outline of exhibition and touring plans were made for 2013-14.
The precise dates for the rehearsals and exhibition sites 2013-14 will be published here:
(1) Critical Costume: Audiophonic Wearables - Towards a vocabulary of scenographic bodies – Exhibition, The Arts Centre, Edge Hill, Liverpool.
Click here for a brief film on the event and the exhibition
Exhibition at Edge Hill featuring Michèle Danjoux's costumes and wearable design, and a lecture presentation by Michèle on her design concepts.
(2) for the time being/TatlinTower, KINETIKA Art Fair , London.
demo performance from the Prolog of "for the time being" - -- audiophonic wearables /Tatlin Tower Johannes Birringer/Michèle Danjoux (DAP-Lab, art/design directors) with Helenna Ren (dance). KINETIKA ART FAIR 2013 //Sunday, March 3, 15:oo - 15:45 // Ambika 3 Performance Space // London // This demonstration-performance features the construction principles of the DAP-Lab costumes/wearables for dance and music theatre. The choreographic object “TatlinTower” is worn by a dancer in the overture and first scene of "for the time being," a choreosonic performance created by the DAP-Lab ensemble premiered at Watermans in 2012 [] The performance explores the sound of movement in a stage work inspired by the Russian Futurist opera "Victory over the Sun" (1913) and its fantastical visual designs (by Malevich and Lissitzky [1920-21]).Lab rehearsals: March 10 March 24 April 21 May 19 June 2 June-July Negotiations for festival presentation and Workshop to be arranged with PERFORMA Platform Festival in Moscow. USA tour to be coordinated with producers in New York amnd Houston. Residency at Interaktionslabor (Germany): July 31 - August 11 autumn rehearsals to be announced
directed and coordinated by Johannes Birringer & Michèle Danjoux
* Victory over the Sun: the opera's libretto written in zaum language contributed by Aleksei Kruchonykh , the music was written by Mikhail Matyushin , the prologue was added by Velimir Khlebnikov , and stage designs were by Kasimir Malevich . The performance was organized by the artistic group Soyuz Molodyozhi . The opera has become famous as the event where Malevich made his first "Black Square" painting. The opera was conceived to underline parallels between literary/imaginary text, musical score, and the art of painting, and featured a cast of such extravagant characters as Nero and Caligula in the Same Person ,Traveller through All the Ages, Telephone Talker ,The New Ones , Gravedigger, Futurecountrymen, etc. (The audience reacted negatively and even violently to the performance, as have some subsequent critics and historians, and even though El Lissitzky tried to recreate the work in Germany and Russia in the early 1920, the only traces of a second production are Lissitzly's design skecthes and drawings published in his portfolios in 1923-25. There has been no recent staging of this work, but noteworthy are Alexti Mashkov's animation (2011- - , and news (via Youtube) has reached us of a new production by Alexander Povomarev (2012):
For more in formation on the design and performance concepts for
for the time being, write to us.
.(c) dap 2013Project directors: Johannes Birringer & Michèle DanjouxBrunel University, West London