The Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance
Performance Research
Seminar Series
autumn-winter 2014-15
Department of Arts &
Humanities- Brunel University - London
The public is invited to
participate in this series of encounters, lectures, screenings, physical and
new media workshops and discussions, focussed on new thinking in performance practices,new
medi arts, technologies,
physical and digital/scientific creativity, and cultural production.
For more information
contact 01895 267 343 .........Admission free..........
Location: Drama Studio-Gaskell Hall, Cleveland Rd, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Welcome to this fall's research seminar series at the Centre for
Contemporary and Digital Performance. This fall we will focus on how praxis and
theory in performance and theatre shifts as they are informed, challenged and
or altered by other disciplines, processes or art forms.
Wednesday, Wednesday October 15, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo
Theron Schmidt
(King’s College)

"Theatre at work: The life and
times of the Nature Theater of Oklahoma"
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-18:30
Melissa Blanco-Borelli
(Royal Holloway)

"Choreographing the Spasm: Men Dancing in Music Videos"
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30

Roundtable: How Does
Theatre Do Theory?
"‘Methodologies of Performance Philosophy’"
Broderick Chow (Brunel
University), with Laura Cull (University of Surrey),
Kélina Gotman (King’s
College) & Tony Fisher (Royal Central SChool of
Speech & Drama)
Wednesday, December 3, 20134
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo

Holly Maples
(Brunel University)
"Brother Abraham:
Performing Experimental Democracy in Bill T. Jones Lincoln Project"
Winter 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30
Prarthana Purkayastha
(Plymouth University)
'The Skin of Performance'
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30
Louise Owen
College, University of London)

Constructing crisis: gender and finance in new writing for the stage
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30
Nicholas Ridout
(Queen Mary)

On the Trunkmaker: Theatre and Bourgeois
Performance Research Seminar Coordinator: Johannes Birringer
Research Seminars are co-produced with dance tech live TV and streamed online
as well as archived.
In collaboration with
Centre broadcasts selected Performance Research Seminars live from the Brunel
Drama Studio - making them available to anyone in the world interested in the
subject. Johannes Birringer and Marlon Barrios Solano are co-producing the talks and discussions as
live webcasts webcast live on dance tech net TV . The partnership between the Centre and dance-techTV, is an experiment in collaborative
video broadcasting (the channel is dedicated to interdisciplinary explorations
of the performance of movement. The channel allows worldwide 24/7 linear
broadcasting of selected programs, LIVE streaming and Video On-demand). This
channel is powered by, and is enveloped within, a
donation based platform
Artaud Forum IV
March 27-29, 2015
Artaud Performance Centre
Contested Exchanges: Space, Place and the Performance of Democracy
coordinated by Mary Richards, Grant Peterson and John
* * *

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Artaud Performance Center 001
16:00 – 18:00 Seminar
“Synaesthesia, Performance,
Immersive Atmospheres” -- A conversation between Noam Sagiv, Sérgio Basbaum, Oded Ben-Tal,
Diana Salazar, Maria Salgado, Gordana Novakovic, and Arthur I. Miller (author of the recently
published "Colliding Worlds"), moderated by Johannes Birringer and
focusing on new interdisciplinary research perspectives that link psychology, sci-art, architecture & the performing arts
19:00- 21:15 Concert
Mitslalim (video) by Oded Ben-Tal, Rees
Archibald, Caroline Wilkins
14AB2 (audiovisual
composition) by Phil Maguire
PANTHAREI Live Cinema Combo (Sérgio Basbaum + guests)
Pantharei, our special guests from São Paulo
(Brasil), creates synesthetic performance work on
sound and image, as well as theoretical work related to their creative process,
concerning poetic, aesthetic, conceptual and technical issues.
Metaphors of Space and of Time: (i) Points (ii) Surface (iii) Lines (iv)
Composer: Oded Ben-Tal
Performer: Torbjorn
Hultmark, soprano trombone & electronics
Becoming Human
Composed and performed by Pernille Ruebner-Petersen
Corporeal Inscription
Maria Salgado
(choreographer/performer) and Diana Salazar (composer)
Admission: Open to All
* * *
TRACES - Researching the Arts/Social Sciences Phd Conference
June 8, 2015
3rd Joint Researching the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Conference- Brunel University & University Of Westminster
Organised by and for Postgraduate Research Students, the '3rd
Joint Researching the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Conference' brings
together Brunel University and University of Westminster. This celebration of
the creative and scholarly work done at our universities will take the form of
a platform for current research manifestations, debate and exchange. Now in its
third year, the 2015 joint platform will be held at University of Westminster's
central London campus on the 8th June. The theme of the conference is
You can follow the conference on Facebook, and also on Twitter:
(c) 2015 The Center
for Contemporary and Digital Performance, Johannes Birringer (acting director)