The Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance
2006. 2007. 2008 . 2009.
2009-10 .
2010-11 .2011-12.
2012-13 .
2013-14 .
Performance Research
Seminar Series
autumn-winter 2013-14
School of Arts - Brunel
University - London
The public is invited to
participate in this series of encounters, lectures, screenings, physical and
new media workshops and discussions, focussed on new thinking in performance practices,new medi arts,
technologies, physical and digital/scientific creativity, and cultural
For more information
contact 01895 267 343 .........Admission free..........
Location: Cleveland Rd, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Welcome to this fall's research seminar series at the Centre for
Contemporary and Digital Performance. This fall we will focus on how praxis and
theory in performance and theatre shifts as they are informed, challenged and
or altered by other disciplines, processes and or art forms.
Wednesday, Wednesday October 2, 2013
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo

Grant Peterson
Situationist Theatre Legacies and Participatory
Spectatorship since 1964
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-18:30 pm
Joumana Mourad

(Choreographer & Artistic Director, IJAD Dance Co.)
Physical Theatre &
Network: Turning Social Media into Creative Meadia"
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm

Hayriye Koc Basara
(Postdoctoral Researcher, Sakarya University, Turkey)
"Moments Spoiling the Game ın Today's Art and the Contact
wıth the Other"
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Performance Research Seminar/Music Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:00 // Artaud
Performance Center 109 18:00 - 19:30

Pamela Z performing at ars electronica in Linz,
Austria(c) Photo courtesy of ars electronica
Pamela Z
(San Francisco)
"Crossing Disciplines // Followed by a masterclass and
performance in AA 109 at 18:oo"
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30

Pamela Z performing at ars electronica in Linz,
Austria(c) Photo Matt Wilson
David Roesner
(University of Kent)
"Aesthetics and Processes of Composed Theatre"
Winter 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm

Royona Mitra
(Theatre Department, Brunel University)
"Authorship and Physical Theatre: Jasmin Vardimon Company's
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm

Jasmin Vardimon
Artistic Director of Jasmin Vardimon Company & Associate Artist at Sadler's Wells, London
“The importance of location and context in the works of
Jasmin Vardimon Company"
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm

Vanessa Michielon
(Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Turin, Italy)
"How to dance live in interactive dance?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Performance Research Seminar
GB048 Drama Studio 16:oo-17:30 pm

Thomas Betteridge
(Head of Theatre Department, Brunel University
"The Space of Politics in A Satire of Three Estates"
Performance Research Seminar Coordinator: Johannes Birringer
Research Seminars are co-produced with dance tech live TV and streamed online
as well as archived.
In collaboration with
Centre broadcasts selected Performance Research Seminars live from the Brunel
Drama Studio - making them available to anyone in the world interested in the
subject. Johannes Birringer and Marlon Barrios Solano
are co-producing the talks and discussions as live webcasts webcast live on
dance tech net TV . The partnership between the Centre
and dance-techTV, is an experiment in collaborative
video broadcasting (the channel is dedicated to interdisciplinary explorations
of the performance of movement. The channel allows worldwide 24/7 linear
broadcasting of selected programs, LIVE streaming and Video On-demand). This
channel is powered by, and is enveloped within, a
donation based platform
Artaud Forum IV
The International Conference-Workshop on Theatre Praxis will
be held bi-annually from now on, and the next conference will be in the spring of 2015
* * *
Tuesday June 17, 2014
Researching the Arts Conference
details about this annual post-graduate research conference, and the projected program and performances will be announced in
the spring of 2014. A Call for Papers & Performances was issued on February 1. As in the previous year,
the Phd conference is student-organized, by a group of research students from Brunel and
a team of research students in the Sopcial Sciences from Universisty of Westminster
(c) 2014 The Center for Contemporary and
Digital Performance, Johannes Birringer (acting director)