The Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance
at Antonin Artaud Performance Centre
Brunel University, London
Konnecting Gestures
Helenna Ren in DAP-Lab rehearsal with camera and Kinect interface (c) DAP-Lab 2011
International Conference-Workshop on Performance and Sound Technologies
Friday March 30 - Sunday, April 1, 2012
This symposium and performance laboratory is the second installment of the series of annually held research events at Brunel University's Antonin Artaud Performance Centre, bringing together an invited group of international theatre, performance and sound artists, musicians, digital artists, art theorists and researchers engaged in creative practices that reflect on major innovative performance traditions of the past century and their impact on current performance knowledge and physical (or physical-digital) techniques.
The ARTAUD FORUM promotes opening up the concept of performance research, and continuing last year's intertwined approach to physical and conceptual exploration of practice, it emphasizes the relevance of experimental treatments of actuality - of forms of collaborative creation - that may take us beyond the perspectives and protocols of established academic or artistic inquiry. Even as we turn to technologies of performances this year, artistic and conceptual criteria will be significant, and we have chosen expressive inter/relations - "konnecting gestures" - as the focus of the 2012 workshop: gestures as practice or communication at once aesthetic, corporeal, technical and political.
The lab will offer a series of parallel modules investigating the relations between choreography and software, sound and motion-design, movement capture and 3d digital/virtual environment navigation, light and projection architecture, dirty electronics, hacking and interactive programming.
The symposium and workshop are composed of dialogue and performance practice, intermixed with film screenings and a hands-on electronics and wearable design workshop as well as coding sessions in the digital performance studios.
For Participants, go here
Coordinated by Johannes Birringer, Carl Faia and Daniel Ploeger
The "Workshop Words" // research
are published on this website along with
audio-visual documents
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Friday, March 30
20:oo Opening Address (Artaud Performance Centre 001)
20:15 Sonic Arts Concert featuring:
Sonic Arts Ensemble, and vocalist Jennifer Walshe.
Thomas Koener and Carl Faia: The Futurist Manifesto
Saturday, March 31
09:30 Registration / Coffee (Artaud Performance Centre)
10:30 (Theatre): Presentation: Pieter Verstraete on gestures and sound
11:30 - 13:00 Roundtable 1 (with presentations by Eirini Nedelkopoulou, Nick Collins, and Jayne Wilton)
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 17:00 Physical Movement/ Sound Lab (Theatre) BadCo with Ivana Ivkovic & Zrinka Uzbinec
14:oo - 17:00 Electronics Lab on Kinect interfaces: Ian Winters
14:00 - 17:oo Clinic with Carl Faia (Music and Programming); Presentation of new work/demonstration with Arthur Elsenaar
Short Coffee break
17:10 - 18:30 Roundtable 2: Reflections on Sound Performance (with presentations by Jay Murphy on Artaud's "sound system," Nicolas Salazar-Sutil on Artaud and sound mathematics; Claudia Robles on re-thinking Alvin Lucier; Ivana Ivkovic on self-organization and choreo-analysis)
18:30 Reception / dinner buffet, followed by art openings:
19:30 Installation-Performances
Cabinets of Post-Digital Curiosities:
performance installations by Camilla Barratt-Due (N/D), Joerg Brinkmann (D), Arthur Elsenaar (NL), Kate Genevieve & Alex Peckham (UK), Rebecca Horrox (UK) & Dani Ploeger (NL/D/UK)
21:00 Performances & Performance Installations (001)
John Collingswood "Duet for Three" / Frieder Weiss, "Blue Flow"
Simon Katan: "DarkStar"
Sunday, April 1
10:00 Presentation: Darren Vincent Tunstall: Non-Verbal Communication and Biomechanics Capture, with John Collingswood on interaction design
11:30 - 13:oo Roundtable 3: Critical Performance Technologies: Disowning Geek Culture
Artist presenters: Camilla Barratt-Due, Joerg Brinkmann, Arthur Elsenaar, Kate Genevieve, Rebecca Horrox; Response panel: Alissa Clarke (performance studies scholar, De Montfort University), Sophia Graefe (media art critic, Bauhaus University Weimar);
Chair: Dani Ploeger (Brunel University)
This session will explore cultural critical perspectives on performance technologies and discuss possibilities for a radical departure from technology-fetishizing approaches, toward practices that take their cue from a gesture- and culture-based approach to the performing body in digital performance. The artists who presented their work as part of the Cabinets of Post-Digital Curiosities show on Saturday night will give short three-slide presentations on the backgrounds of their work. A response panel, consisting of media, performance and cultural theory scholars, and the audience, are subsequently invited to reflect on these presentations from the perspective of their respective disciplines.
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Theatre / Sound Lab : KINECT 2, with Ian Winters, Frieder Weiss, Carl Faia
photograph (c) 2012 Phil Maguire
16:00 Roundtable 4 (moderated by Nick Till, with Frieder Weiss,Carl Faia, Ian Winters, Simon Katan, and the whole collective)
17:00 Concluding Remarks
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The "Workshop Words"
are published on this website along with
audio-visual documents
* * *
Open enrolment: Full Workshop Pass: full: £ 60 / concession £ 30 ; Day Pass: £ 25 / concession £ 15 / Tickets for evening concerts: £ 5
For registration, write to or call Janette West at 01895 267823 or use:
online registration
Accommodation available at
Uxbridge Travelodge Colham House_Bakers Road_Uxbridge_Middlesex_UB8 1RG_ United Kingdom
Tel: 0871 984 6373 _Fax: 01895 239 888
This event is programmed by the Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance and supported by the Brunel School of Arts and Brunel University Graduate School. BADco's workshop is a part of LAB021 - European Platform, for Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic Methodologies,with the support of the Culture Program of the European Union.
For a parallel research context of our explorations of gesture, see the extra-institutional "Performance Academy" formed jointly between Interaktionslabor and XMLab in 2011.
+ + + + + + + +
The World from within and without
(in memoriam Kazuo Ohno)
Yumi Sagara and Biyo Kikuchi (Maison Artaud, Tokyo) performing at Artaud Performance Centre, West London
April 4-5, 2011
click here
(c) 2012 The Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance, Johannes Birringer (acting director)