Design And Performance Lab
(Moveable World)
a mixed reality choreographic project created in a research collaboration between DAP-Lab and Japanese artists and researchers at Keio University
C o n f e r e n c e
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Open Meeting: Networked Virtual Performance Envirorments: Japan UKIYO LAB
Date: 9th Dec, 2009 14:00 - 21 :00 Symposium / Visual Presentation / Films
Keio University, Mita Campus, Keio University, TOKYO Global Security Research Institute, G-Sec Lab East
Building 6F and 7F
A workshop-symposium on virtual performance aesthetics, choreography, telepresence design and transcultural communications
Panel: Prof.Johannes Birringer and DAP Lab members (Brunel University), Prof. Adrian Cheok, Mixed Reality Lab, Keio-NUS CUTE Center (Keio University), Yukihiko Yoshida, Yoko Higashino, Un Yamada, Fumi Hirota and YCAM, Hironobu Oikawa and after scorpio, Michiko Aoki ,Maki Ueda, Satoko Yahagi, Inarra Sarrinen and Ballet Pixelle
Conference Agenda
*14:00 - 16:00 Introduction by Presenters (Keio University)
Inarra Sarrinen:"Ballet Pixelle Demonstration" 14:00-14:30
(10min two small excepts (10 minutes) and give a short presentation (10 minutes) like a normal conference talk, with 10 minutes for questions)
Yukihiko Yoshida:"Japanese Dance Reseach, Networked_Virtual_Environment, Ukiyo" (20 min presentation with 10 min for questions) 14:30-15:00
Prof. Johannes Birringer:"Ukiyo and DAP Lab" Research Presentation 1: Designing Mixed Reality Performances: UKIYO Virtual Performance Environment (Dap Lab)
Fumi Hirota:"Curating Japanese Media Art and Performing Arts in YCAM" 15:30-16:00
*Break (16:00-1615)
16:15 - 18:30 Maki Ueda:Demonstration
16:15-16:45 Prof. Adorian Cheok and Mixed Reality Lab Research Presentation II: Designing 3D Virtual Environments, Gaming Environments and Interaction Design (Keio-NUS CUTE Center (Keio University)/ Mixed Reality Lab, NUS Singapore)
16:45-17:15 Yoko Higashino, Demonstration
17:15-17:45 Round table Contemporary Choreography, Sound and Interaction Design, Architectures of Sensation (in relation to interfaces between light, sound, film, 3D animation and real/virtual space, in cross-cultural networked collaborations Questions and Answers
17:45-18:30 Refreshments
19:00 - 21:00 Audio-Visual Presentation / Films from Japanese and European artists and designers
Hironobu Oikawa: 19:00 - 19:20
Satoko Yahagi: 19:30-20:00
Un Yamada: 20:-20:30
DAP Lab 20:30 - 21:oo
21:oo - 21:20 Concluding Discussion with the Audience
G-Sec Lab will close on 21:30
In this open symposium, panel members will discuss the possibility of Networked Virtual Environment for choreography with mixed reality design. With this enironment, participants of this research exchange project between Japan and the UK/Europe are producing the choreographic installation "Ukiyo" in 2009-2010. "Ukiyo" is a cross-cultural networked collaboration for the digital live arts of the next generation.
This research project is funded by a PM12 Connect/British Council Grant, and a RDF (Brunel University) grant, and is supported by an award from The Japan Foundation. Special thanks to Christian Kracht, author of "Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten".
dance tech network site of Ukiyo project
All photos (c) DAP-Lab
(c) dap 2009
Project directors: Johannes Birringer & Michèle Danjoux
Brunel University, West London