Artaud Forum 3: Theatre and Resonant Politics
Visual Archive of the event (March 23-24, 2013)
Featured Performances and Film Exhibitions at the Artaud Performance Centre
IN-FINITE (2013) by Joumana Mourad/IJAD Dance Company, shown Saturday evening, 17:30 - 22:30 in AA 101.
alternating with
The Revelations of Dr. Kx4l3ndj3r (2012)
McKenzie directs the DesignLab, a new media consultancy at UW-Madison whose mission is to democratize digitality, just as public education helped democratize literacy in the 19th century (for better and for worse). To this end, DesignLab seeks to democratize design beyond the professional designers of commodities and to democratize post-ideational thought beyond experimental theorists such as Derrida and Deleuze. We serve students from potentially any discipline, and our means are smart media, emerging scholarly genres such as TED talks, podcasts, theory comix, and persuasive games, genres which supplement books, articles, and conference papers. Smart media remix concept and affect, eidos and imagos, logos and mythos: they target new venues and new audiences and point beyond the monomedial disciplinary expertise that still dominates humanist—and posthumanist— discourse and practice. One instantiation is “The Revelations of Dr. Kx4l3ndj3r,” a lecture performance whose disastronautic refrains slip past the all-too-human truth modes of correspondence and adequation (which inform debates over realism vs. constructivism) in order to explore recursion at a cosmographic scale
In the Performance Space, ther will be two shows on Saturday night:
(1) Luis C. Sotelo-Castro: A Citizenship Ceremony with a difference... performative archaeology of Colombian migration into London
(2) The Dangerologists (Broderick Chow & Tom Wells): On Losing One's Shirt
Andrew Quitmeyer's gestural recomposition project based on public dance by Ava Ansari and (network)collected dance gestures from women performers in Iran
Photographs from the Physical Workshops will be published here
(1) Workshop 1
Wrestling and Corporal Resonance - Politics between Bodies, conducted by Broderick Chow and Tom Wells
(2) Workshop 2
Turning Social Media into Creative Media, conducted by Joumana Mourad
All photographs courtesy of the artists (Mourad, McKenzie, Quitmeyer) and Jessica Worden.
All Keynotes and Roundtables are co-produced with dance tech live TV and streamed online as well as archived.
The Centre broadcasts selected Performance Research Seminars and the ASRTAUD FORUM live from the Brunel Drama Studio or Artaud Performance Centre - making them available to anyone in the world interested in the subject. Johannes Birringer and Marlon Barrios Solano are co-producing the talks and discussions as live webcasts webcast live on dance tech net TV . The partnership between the Centre and dance-techTV, is an experiment in collaborative video broadcasting (the channel is dedicated to interdisciplinary explorations of the performance of movement. The channel allows worldwide 24/7 linear broadcasting of selected programs, LIVE streaming and Video On-demand). This channel is powered by, and is enveloped within, a donation based platform. DAPLabTV will participate in the new META-ACADEMY project.
(c) 2013 Artaud Forum / Center for Contemporary and Digital Performance