Artaud Forum 3: Theatre and Resonant Politics
Research Archive of the event (March 23-24, 2013)
Some descriptions of works and ideas presented at the Artaud Forum 3
10:30: Keynote: Sophie Nield, (Royal Holloway, University of London):
'Resonance and Representation: Playing the People in the Public Sphere.'
Sophie Nield
Panel 1: Political Resonance -- Moderator: Broderick Chow
(1)"Almost Irresponsibly Optimistic": Revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment (Stephen Bottoms)
Broderick Chow & Lynne McCarthy [left] Eve Katsouraki [center] Stephen Bottoms [right]
(2) A Life That Is Not Worth Living: powerlessness as resistance in praxes of political suicide (Eve Katsouraki) (3) Soil Depositions (Lynne McCarthy)14:00 - 17:00 Physical Theatre Lab
Wrestling and Corporeal Resonance - Politics Between Bodies: Broderick Chow & Tom Wells (The Dangerologists)
17:10: Panel 2: Performance and Resonance 1 -- Moderator: Johannes Birringer
(1) Subway (Andrew Quitmeyer/Ava Ansari)
Subway is a multinational process-based participatory performance project that addresses a repressive doctrine through creative digital mediation.
Click here to read Andrew Quitmeyer's "Subway" presentation
Andrew Quitmeyer [left] and Victoria Gray [right]
(2) Beneath the surface of the event: The politics of affective registers in public space (Victoria Gray) (3) From the “Mass Plague” to “Requiem for the End of Love”: voice, lament, and AIDS politics in the first half of the Greek 90's. (Marios Chatziprokopiou) (4) Projecting on Der (kommende) Aufstand nach andcompany&Co (Jochem Naafs)
Johannes Birringer [left] and Marios Chatziprokopiou [right] -- Jochem Naafs performing his 'Projecting' piece on the stage
Performances and Film Installations:
A Citizenship Ceremony with a difference... performative archaeology of Colombian migration into London (Luis C. Sotelo)
On Losing One's Shirt (Dangerologists)
Film Installation:
The Revelations of Dr. Kx4l3ndj3r (Jon McKenzie)
In-Finite (Joumana Mourad/IJAD Dance Company)
10:00 Keynote: Jon McKenzie (University of Wisconsin) : "Remediating Performances"
Prof. Jon McKenzie
11:00 Panel 3: Performance and Resonance 2 Moderator: Johannes Birringer
(1)Artaud's Resonances (Johannes Birringer)
Johannes Birringer
(2) Remediating Performance and Generalized Creativity (Jon McKenzie) (3) Collective Revolt: Dance, Disorder and Plague (Kelina Gotman)
Kelina Gotman
14:00 - 16.30 Physical Theatre Lab: Turning Social Media into Creative Media, conducted by Media Joumana Mourad / IJAD Dance Company
participants on dance floor working out twitter projects to 'mobilize' audiences
16:30 Roundtable Discussion (Moderated Broderick Chow)
:: All Speakers to be invited from the participant collective ::
17:00 Concluding Remarks
+ + +
For Participants, go here
The "Workshop Words" // research
will be published on this website along with
audio-visual documents
This event is sponsored by the Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance and supported by the Brunel School of Arts and Brunel University Graduate School.
All Keynotes and Roundtables are co-produced with dance tech live TV and streamed online as well as archived.
The Centre broadcasts selected Performance Research Seminars and the ASRTAUD FORUM live from the Brunel Drama Studio or Artaud Performance Centre - making them available to anyone in the world interested in the subject. Johannes Birringer and Marlon Barrios Solano are co-producing the talks and discussions as live webcasts webcast live on dance tech net TV . The partnership between the Centre and dance-techTV, is an experiment in collaborative video broadcasting (the channel is dedicated to interdisciplinary explorations of the performance of movement. The channel allows worldwide 24/7 linear broadcasting of selected programs, LIVE streaming and Video On-demand). This channel is powered by dance-tech.tv, and is enveloped within dance-tech.net, a donation based platform. DAPLabTV will participate in the new META-ACADEMY project.
(c) 2013 Artaud Forum / Center for Contemporary and Digital Performance